Other Special Education Services

Our special education offerings include a range of therapists and assessments. Our programs are designed to help children impacted by delays in development, autism, behavior issues, and learning struggles. We offer educators trained in visual and hearing impaired therapy, board certified behavioral analysts, and teachers who can help deescalate situations and provide valuable one-on-one time with the students who need it most. Finally, our audit reviews are a reliable way to know how well your current efforts are working, and to make the necessary adjustments.

Therapy in Education

Educational therapy is used to treat children with learning differences, disabilities, and challenges in the school setting.  Therapy in the school environment includes a wide range of treatments designed to help students overcome and/or compensate for learning deficits, as well as difficulty accessing the general curriculum . Educational therapy is unique and effective because it helps students recognize their strengths while making sense of their struggles.

Therapy in Education (image)

education, elementary school, learning, technology and people concept - group of school kids with teacher looking to tablet pc computer in classroom